Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Jersey Mike's Subs Frisco/Plano Funnies

Overheard this week at Jersey Mike's Subs:

  • "I will have a regular white sub" - 30 second pause, wait for it, nothing! 
  •  "Sorry, we just started potty training today" - yes, that's a good time to come get a sub! 
  • "Yes, Mike's Way, wait no onion, no lettuce, no tomato, none of that wet stuff, no spices, just the mayo"  - say what?
  • "For here or to go?" - "Yes!"
  • "Who's LeBron?" - Honest, this is true, she almost got free subs for life
Just a few of the funny things people say at Jersey Mike's subs

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

$2.00 off Giant Subs

That's right Jersey Mike's is offering $2 off our Giant(15") sub today through Sunday, 7/11/2010. How many can you eat??????